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New German Embassy | FAR frohn&rojas 050_Embassy Kuala Lumpur – FAR
New German Embassy

Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
The office building is usually considered the role model of the globally uniform and generic typology. The resulting universally efficient workspace serves all work environments, in all climate zones. In our dealing with the demands of the new German Embassy, the fallacy of this perception became obvious. The brief asked for an „efficient“ office building stripped off any representational demands associated with ambassadorial protocol. Instead, it was asked to be a showcase for energy-efficient German engineering. In response we developed a new tropical office typology: the ‚Open Core’ simultaneously addressing “efficiency” of work flow and the extreme tropical climate. Both in section and in plan a void ‚foyer’ is surrounded by the office infrastructure on each of its six sides: a pair of ‚office rows’, a pair of staircases and a pair of cisterns, transforming the region’s limitless supply of rainwater and sunlight into cool dry air. Vertical „light showers“ animate the open-core foyer. The mist of the adiabatic cooling system breaks the daylight in these tubes, creating a mysterious presence. By merging the architectural and environmental strategies into a coherent typology, the building develops a relevance far beyond its physical presence. This is the new office typology for all fast-growing South-East Asian economies.
FAR Frohn&Rojas + AIB Agiplan Integrale Bauplanung GmbH
FAR Project Team: Marc Frohn, Mario Rojas Toledo, Max Koch, Oliver Claussen, Marius Helten, Fabio Magnago, Isabel Chua, Lena Rautenbach, Beatriy Bascuñan, Maribel Gonzales, Pilar Jordan
Consultants: Rheinpark_R, FKJ, Ingenieurbüro Kahlert, E² Energieberatung GmbH, Loidl
building blocks surrounding the "open core":
a pair of office clusters, a pair of staircases and a pair of cisterns
floor plans
sections cutting through the "open core"
the environmental approach combines spatial, material, technical and planting strategies
material strategy:
golden anodized aluminum foam allows for natural ventilation in the stair wells while at the same time addressing security concerns
honey comb sun shading in front of the office facades enables views out while simultaneously protecting the interior from the low western sun
sectional model photo showing "light showers" as part of the environmental strategy