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3 x 3 x 3 - Expansion of the Hospital Friederikenstift | FAR frohn&rojas 074_Hospital-Friederikenstift – FAR
3 x 3 x 3 - Expansion of the Hospital Friederikenstift

Hannover, Germany
Competition Entry, 2. Stage 2012
The proposed design amends the historical hospital building by adding two new volumes: housing wards, and a building for hospital-related programs such as assisted living, hotel and private medical specialists. The three volumes are tied together by a new connecting magistrale. The building volumes are positioned to create three urban open spaces: a plaza, a hospital park, and a spacious arrival zone. There is a courtyard at the center of each building, offering introverted exteriors for patients, staff and visitors. The stepped court yard of the ward building offers terraces, balconies and loggias, on different levels with patient rooms.
FAR Frohn&Rojas + Moser Architekten
Project Team: Marc Frohn, Mario Rojas Toledo, Max Koch, Tim Panzer, Natalia Becerra, Gracia Vera Quek, Christoph Schwarz, Katarina Tallafuss, Thomas Hillisch
Consultants: Atelier Loidl, Transsolar Energietechnik GmbH, Schlaich Bergermann und Partner, IBW, Genius Ingenieurbüro
the historical building and the two new additions are connected through a magistrale. They frame three distinct public urban spaces between them: a neighborhood plaza, the hospital park and the arrival area.
sequence of floor plans
introverted court yards